The Dybbuk's Mirror by Alisse Lee Goldenberg

Synopsis: It has been nearly two years since the events in The Strings of the Violin, and Carrie has adjusted to life as a university student far from her friends. However, when the path to Hadariah is sealed, she starts to fear malevolent forces may be behind the other strange occurrences around her. After trying to contact Lindsay and Rebecca to get help in unraveling the mystery, Carrie discovers that her friends are in fact missing. With no way of knowing who to trust, Carrie must find a way back to the land she once saved to rescue her friends from the dybbuks' clutches.
Reuniting with the dybbuk princess Emilia, and finding a new friend in the mysterious farmer Mikhail, Carrie must once again do battle with Asmodeus’s forces, and help stop the chaos that threatens to overtake the land while striving to save both Lindsay and Rebecca. For the first time, Carrie is working without the two friends who have helped her through every major decision in her life. Carrie must learn to rely on herself, and find her own strengths to save those she holds dear.
About the Author

Alisse Lee Goldenberg holds a bachelor of education and a fine arts degree; she has studied fantasy and folklore since she was a child.
Alisse lives in Toronto, Canada, with her husband, Brian; their triplets, Joseph, Phillip, and Hailey; and their rambunctious goldendoodle, Sebastian. This is her debut novel.
Please feel free to visit her at www.alisseleegoldenberg.com
Book Preview Teaser
The mist was about waist high. Carrie experimentally waved her hand
through it, trying to get a feel for what it was. She felt clammy all over, and got chills
running up and down her spine. She turned to her two friends, and saw that they felt
the same. Everything about this felt wrong. Carrie shuddered and kept walking on,
Emilia and Mikhail close behind. Movement up ahead made Carrie pause. She saw a
small boy coming towards them, his pale face and blonde hair contrasting sharply
with the darkness around them. Carrie saw his dark eyes, almost black holes in his
face peering out at them; his mouth was contorted into a cruel grin. He could not
have been more than seven years old, yet he walked towards them with the cocky
assurance of someone several times his age.
“What do you want?” Emilia asked, coming forward.
“You will be ours soon enough,” the boy said.
“Who are you?” she asked him.
“We are the dead,” the boy said. “We have come to settle our debts.”
“We know no one in this town,” Emilia told him, her hands on her hips. “We
therefore have no debts here.”
“But you owe those who are our masters,” the boy replied. “It is to them you
will be given, and when you are delivered, we will have peace.”
Carrie shivered. There was something about this boy that was not quite right.
She remembered what Adom had told her. Was he an illusion? Was he a false spirit?
She did not know what to think.
“What if we could help you without sacrificing ourselves?” Carrie asked.
“There must always be a sacrifice,” the boy said. “You will make yours
The boy turned and began walking away, dissolving into the mist. Carrie
turned to her friends, a helpless look on her face.
“What was that?” Carrie asked. “Was that a dybbuk?”
“That was,” Emilia said. “Of sorts, a restless spirit that cannot find peace,
controlled by other dybbuks, forced to continue on as one. We must help these
people. Somehow.”