Author Spotlight:

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    Please welcome Alyandra Harvey (@AlyxandraH) to the blog today!

    Where are you from?
    I was born in Montreal but I grew up in Toronto.  I currently live on a tree farm with my husband, many dogs, and the occasional ghost.
    Can you give us an idea of what the story is about?
    Whisper the Dead takes place in 1815 London and is the second book of The Lovegrove Legacy.

    Gretchen is struggling with her newfound gift as a Whisperer; the constant buzzing in her ears from detecting spells is more frustrating than fun, especially when she is spending time with one of the Order of Iron Nail’s Keepers, the icy but strikingly handsome Tobias Lawless. But while Gretchen tries to hide the truth and resolve her feelings for him, London fades from beautiful and bustling to deathly silent …Something evil is once again menacing Mayfair, and Gretchen and her cousins must use their powers to prevent a horrible sacrifice.
    What genre is it?
    Whisper the Dead is a Paranormal YA/ Historical Fantasy
    What is your writing process? Do you use an outline, fly by the "seat of your pants" or some other method?
    I have always been a pantser…discovering the story as I write it. About 2/3 of the way in, I outline backwards by putting each chapter on a post-it on a Bristol board so I can see the big picture.
    I know some authors set writing goals, such as so many words per day. Do you set any goals for your stories?
    I have found my best method is to try and write every day. One page at the very least, a few pages when everything is clicking properly into place.

     Victoria Schwab’s method of putting a sticker on your calendar for each 500 words or 1000 words or whathaveyou, is surprisingly helpful. Looking at what I’ve already accomplished  fuels  the process.  Plus, I like shiny things. I will apparently work for glitter stars.
    Who controls a story when you write; you, your characters or a combination?
    I start with a character and go from there. Usually, it works best if I get out of the way.  It’s important to make sure your characters are following your plot because it makes sense to them, not just because you’d really like them to!
    How can we connect with you?
    My website is and I am on Twitter under AlyxandraH

    Coming Up .. A Review & Campaign for Whisper The Dead!

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